CFonts: Sexy fonts for the console _images/example.png

This is a Python port of @dominikwilkowski’s cfonts. Thanks for the original code and beautiful console fonts!

This project supports Python 2.7+ and 3.5+


Recommended way: use pipx:

$ pipx install python-cfonts

Or alternatively, install using Pip:

$ pip install python-cfonts

Command Line Interface


This is a tool for sexy fonts in the console. Give your cli some love.



-f, --font <font>

Use to define the font face

-c, --colors <colors>

Use to define the font color

-b, --background <background>

Use to define the background color

-a, --align <align>

Use to align your text output

-l, --letter-spacing <letter_spacing>

Use to define your letter spacing

-z, --line-height <line_height>

Use to define your line height

-s, --spaceless

Use to disable the padding around your output

-m, --max-length <max_length>

Use to define the amount of maximum characters per line

-g, --gradient <gradient>

Define gradient colors(separated by comma)

-i, --independent-gradient

Set this option to re-calculate the gradient colors for each new line.Only works in combination with the gradient option.

-t, --transition-gradient

Set this option to generate your own gradients. Each color set in the gradient option will then be transitioned to directly.

-V, --version

Show the version and exit.



Required argument



API References

cfonts.render(text, font='block', size=(80, 24), colors=None, background='transparent', align='left', letter_spacing=None, line_height=1, space=True, max_length=0, gradient=None, independent_gradient=False, transition=False)

Main function to get the colored output for a string.

  • text – the string you want to render
  • font – use to define the font
  • size – a (width, height) tuple to define the window size
  • colors – a list of color names to render sequentially
  • background – background color name
  • align – the alignment method: left/center/right
  • letter_spacing – the amount of spacing inserted between letters
  • line_height – the height of each line
  • space – whether to wrap the output with blank lines
  • max_length – define the max length of per line, use 0 to disable
  • gradient – define the gradient color sequence
  • independent_gradient – whether to apply gradient to each line independently
  • transition – If set to True, will generate transition gradient colors

the colored output string

cfonts.say(text, **options)

Render and write the output to stout.

  • text – the string you want to render
  • options – options passed as same as cfonts.render()
